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Service Times
6-7:30am Worship Service—worship played over the sound system
7:30am Corporate Prayer
8:30am Church Service—worship and a message
11am Church Service—worship and a message
5:30pm Prayer
6pm Service
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We are in desperate need of broken, humble men — men who are not afraid to admit that they need God; men who are more worried about prayer than about status and recognition; men who petition God rather than position themselves. Men have largely forsaken their God-given role as spiritual leaders in their homes. Our mission is to help men in this endeavor. Men meet at different locations and events. For more information on men’s ministries, please call the office since schedules vary: 661-270-0353.
The women’s ministry offers numerous opportunities to discuss and live out their faith via service, fellowship, and biblical instruction. We desire to help women become all that God has created them to be. Please call the office as schedules may vary: 661-270-0353
WESTSIDE KIDS: Our goal is to offer an excellent, Christ-centered Children’s Ministry program. It’s our pleasure to serve your family by serving your children.
We offer nursery through 5th grade at the 8:30 and 11:00 services. We welcome 6th grade and up to join us in the main sanctuary.
On Wednesday night services, there is nursery through 5th grade and IGNITE youth group.
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Westside Christian Fellowship is a 501c3 non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible.