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Oh God, Would You Rend the Heavens?

In this short but powerful booklet, pastor Shane Idleman shares encouraging reasons to be hopeful despite the decadence and brutality in our streets and the unparalleled despair overcoming our land.

God is sovereign and controls the affairs of men, and has a pattern of reviving His people at very dark moments in history.

They need to address the vital role of the Holy Spirit is as relevant today as it has been throughout Church history. This booklet will prepare the soil of your heart so that God can rend the heavens and release a spiritual downpour of His Spirit in our land in this hour!

Oh God, Would You Rend the Heavens? (versión en español)

En este breve pero poderoso folleto, el pastor Shane Idleman comparte razones motivadoras para tener esperanza a pesar de la decadencia y brutalidad en nuestras calles y la desesperación incomparable sin precedentes que supera nuestra tierra.

Dios es soberano y controla los asuntos de los hombres, y tiene una forma de revivir a su pueblo en momentos muy oscuros de la historia.

Necesitan abordar el papel vital del Espíritu Santo es tan relevante hoy como lo ha sido a lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia. ¡Este folleto preparará la tierra de tu corazón para que Dios pueda rasgar los cielos y soltar un derramamiento espiritual de Su Espíritu en nuestra tierra en esta hora!

Coming Soon: 40 Days to Reset Your Life

What would happen if we all hit the big reset button? Both spiritually and physically?
Individually and corporately?

Whether it’s a health reset, a financial reboot, or a spiritual do-over, we are intrigued with starting over.

The stress and busyness of life can take a huge toll on us emotionally and spiritually. We need a spiritual reset to restore peace and hope.

Although it can take twenty-one days to form a habit, it often takes more time to deeply instill that habit. If you’re on your 100th attempt to overcome a habit, or if you simply need to get back on track, you need this forty-day resource in your spiritual tool belt.

What areas of your life are ready for a reset?

If My People – In Case Of National Emergency, Read This

Hopeless headlines are dominating the news cycle. It is called psychological warfare, and the goal is to elevate stress to the point of exhaustion and then fuel fear so that people lose hope. To win this battle (the battle of the mind), one must saturate their mind in the Word and ways of God. If My People is a cry for the people of God to turn back to God, to seek His face, and to receive the blessings He promises to those who will humble themselves and seek His face.

Help! I’m Addicted: Overcoming the Cravings that Overcome You

We are at a crossroads. Opioid and alcohol abuse are leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Pornography is desecrating families. Obesity is skyrocketing and plaguing millions, reaching epidemic levels in children. Heart disease and cancer are—by far—the leading “killers” in America. And on and on it goes, from nicotine to caffeine to food. As a society, we are out of control. But are there answers? Yes, absolutely—if we once again set our sights on God’s truth.One of the greatest joys associated with pastoring is seeing others filled with the Spirit of God: “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). My goal is to fan the flames of passion toward God. This book is not a step-by-step guide written from a medical perspective; it’s a biblically centered resource pointing you to the One who has the answers.

Fasting & Feasting

Through fasting, the body becomes a servant instead of a master. The obvious goal and benefit of fasting is spiritual, but the physical benefits as well. Can you pray and seek God better with a headache, tight pants, and a sluggish, lethargic body strung out on your favorite addictive substance? Of course not. But keep in mind that fasting is not about self reliance but reliance on God.

One Nation “Above” God

America is divided on many fronts. Where are the answers? How will the future and security of America unfold in the days to come? My previous books address personal issues. This book, however, recognizes the biblical foundation that once guided America. These principles are the foundation on which America’s success rests.

Desperate for More of God

This book is a compilation of past articles, sections from other books I’ve written, and sermons preached at Westside Christian Fellowship—the best-of-the-best. We pray that this collection of targeted topics fuels an intense desire for more of God. Though the road ahead may be uncertain at times, the solid ground beneath will never shift. It’s all about Who you know. Desperate for More should be the heart cry of every believer. “Bold, Outspoken, and Prophetic, this book is sure to awaken, convict, and challenge…” -Alex Montoya; Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministries, The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California

Answers for a Confused Church

There is a dangerous trend in the evangelical church today. A futile attempt is being made to conform God’s Word to social norms, rather than to conform social norms to His Word. As a result, truth is vague, doctrine is blurred, and the fundamentals of the Christian faith are often avoided. For this reason, this book outlines some key issues confronting the church today such as absolute truth, unity, judging, abortion, sexual sin, politics, compromise, revival, preaching, repentance, and so on.

What Works for Men

A down to earth, practical and do able guide to becoming a man of character.

What Works for Singles

Today’s cultural norms often run contrary to principles designed to promote healthy relationships. In a bold new approach, the author challenges cultural views and directs the reader back to sound principles. WHAT WORKS for Singles is a motivational, biblically based resource for those divorced, those marrying for the first time, and those currently single. In all cases, readers will be given the information they need to experience success.

What Works When Diets Don’t

Only 2 percent of those who lose weight keep it off longer than 2 years. Over 60 percent of adults and 30 percent of children are obese in our nation. Diabetes has increased approximately 1,000 percent in sixty years. Cancer now affects one out of three people. The top 3 killers in America are all health and/or diet related. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry–reoccurring dieters means reoccurring revenue. Unfortunately, many today know what to do when it comes to losing weight but can’t seem to do it. Do you know what to do to succeed long-term? Can you tell the difference between a solution and a sales pitch? Did you know that if obesity-related illnesses continue to rise, our nation’s healthcare system may not be able to facilitate the demand? Do you know the real reason diets don’t work (what the diet industry doesn’t want you to know)? Here are seven steps you need to know before you start your weight-loss program.

What Works for Young Adults

What are the top questions on the minds of young adults today? This question was presented nationally to church and youth leaders, and to young adults themselves – if they have ever needed solid answers, it’s now. With practicality, What Works for Young Adults provides fresh answers to provoking questions.

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Westside Christian Fellowship is a 501c3 non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible. 

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