by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jul 16, 2017 | Video
Complete Sermon Notes What is a Open/Closed Door? ACTS 16: Timothy Joins Paul and Silas, AND The Macedonian Call – “They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.” Forbidden – Not conforming to usual selection principles. CLOSED DOOR!...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jul 16, 2017 | Audio
If you want to stay up on the latest audio messages from Westside Christian Fellowship, don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes. Tweet Complete Sermon Notes What is a Open/Closed Door? ACTS 16: Timothy Joins Paul and Silas, AND The Macedonian Call...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jul 9, 2017 | Video
Complete Sermon Notes FASTING OVER FORKS – Delight Not Drudgery It’s hard for 2 wills to live in the same body. What passion prevails? Conflicts on the calendar – Dodger game vs. Wedding The motivation behind fasting is to seek God more...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jul 9, 2017 | Audio
If you want to stay up on the latest audio messages from Westside Christian Fellowship, don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes. Tweet Complete Sermon Notes FASTING OVER FORKS – Delight Not Drudgery It’s hard for 2 wills to live in...
by Westside Christian Fellowship | Jul 2, 2017 | Video
Complete Sermon Notes FASTING OVER FORKS Pt. 1 A Hunger Strike Against Hell The Why, When, and How of Fasting WHY? Spiritual disciplines are like farming. We can’t make the seeds grow, but we can create an environment for growth. Fasting is seen throughout the Bible...