Can Poor Physical Health Contribute to Worry?

The physical health of our body can definitely play a role in our overall health—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—the overall quality of life improves significantly. Taking care of the one body that God has given us is wise stewardship…it affect our entire life. Although spiritual health is first and foremost, our physical health also plays a vital role in productivity. According to many experts, many diseases are preventable through proper nutrition and exercise. To suggest that health should not be a priority is to suggest that God isn’t concerned with this area.

It’s ironic…we have more fitness centers, more personal trainers, more books, and more articles written about fitness than ever before, yet health-related illnesses and problems caused from poor nutrition and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate. We pray for healing, but often neglect the primary cause of disease—poor health. It reminds me of the man who prayed, “Lord, please increase my finances…my debt is killing me,” as he headed to Las Vegas with his weekly check.

Granted, I don’t believe that everyone should be healthy and wealthy. We live in a very sinful world that often results in disease and sickness. God sometimes uses pain, sickness, and disease to draw us closer to Him; however, we cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater and totally dismiss physical health. Obesity and poor health zaps energy and robs from life. Poor nutrition affects us negatively in several different ways. High levels of caffeine or nicotine, for example, lead to irritation, anger, impatience, anxiety, and worry…the exact opposite of the fruit of the Spirit. Many who damage their family through anger are often addicted to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs, and so on. Clearly, health plays a vital role in our overall attitude. When we feed the body what it needs, it will run better.

I also encourage those suffering with depression and anxiety to look first at their spiritual and physical health. I’m not minimizing depression or anxiety, they are debilitating, but we shouldn’t immediately assume that we need a prescription without first checking the obvious: Do we have a strong devotional and prayer life? Are we monitoring our thought life and media choices carefully? Are we taking care of our body? If the answers are “no” then it’s very likely that changes need to be made. Regardless of what the culture promotes, choosing to follow a healthier lifestyle is the first step in making health a priority.

Eating healthy is a constant challenge because temptation is always before us. The next time that you’re tempted, try asking, “Does my body need it—or does it want it?” If it needs it, consume it. If it wants it, think twice. It’s generally not “if” poor nutrition causes damage, but “when.” What a sad commentary on the lifestyle of a nation that has such great potential to live in the blessings that God has so graciously given.

The purpose of food is to meet our nutritional needs, not our wants. That bears repeating: food was created to meet our body’s “needs” not our “wants”—to heal, restore, and replenish. Many of America’s most popular foods have little nutritional value, and contain harmful ingredients. Add to this the absence of organic (the way God designed it) fruit and vegetables for fiber and dietary value, and it’s obvious why cancer now affects one out of three individuals—we’re not feeding the body what it needs to fight cancer, heart disease, and poor health, in general. No wonder many experience extremely low energy levels, attention-deficit problems, sleep disorders, anxiety, and mood swings, to name only a few. Therefore, a first step toward better health is to eat God-given, organic foods when possible. I just wished I would have followed this plan earlier in my life.

In general, the majority of diet promoters continue to focus on what we want to hear and not always on what we need to hear. They don’t address the pattern perhaps because they don’t see the pattern between those who succeed at weight-loss and those who fail. Most offer menu plans or diet aids, but the problem goes much deeper, and requires more than a quick fix. We need a solution, not a sales pitch. We need more of God.

On the flip side, we should avoid being obsessed about health and weight. Many people spend most of their lives trying to look different. They often rate their appearance by society’s standard and strive to look like a “perfect ten.” This false perception causes many people to remain unfulfilled, even the “tens.” When we compare ourselves to others, we are not using wisdom. You were not designed to be someone else; you were masterfully designed to be you. A perfect physique does not guarantee happiness any more than a good mattress guarantees sleep. True happiness does not come from outer appearance; it comes from spiritual health…from seeking God with all our heart, mind, body, soul, and strength. Begin here.

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