A live conference of 12 speakers sharing on the great need of Revival.
October 4th-6th 2018 PST

Register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/sermonindexnet-live-simulcast-event-oct-4-6-2018-tickets-1465215499

We ask that as you gather in your location that you have a quiet spirit of prayer and expectation to meet with God in the worship and preaching. Therefore we ask the sanctuary to be a place of silent prayer.

“With a culture saturated by political correctness and relativism, we are inclined to ask if there is any hope for America. If we continue down this slippery slope, there is little hope. Apart from a national spiritual awakening, it will be difficult to turn the Titanic around—the vessel has been struck; what’s inside is spilling out. But if God brings revival…if we once again set our hearts and minds on Him…there is tremendous hope. In churches across America, crowd appeal and pleasing the masses tends to be the goal rather than calling out destructive lifestyles, which can result in revival and renewal.” – Shane Idleman

“If you study any of the great revivals of the past, you will always find men and women who longed to see the status quo changed—in themselves and in their churches. They called on God with insistence, and prayer begets revival, which begets more prayer. It is like Psalm 80, where the psalmist Asaph bemoans the sad state of his time: the broken walls, the rampaging animals, the burnt vineyards. Then in verse 18 he pleads, “Revive us, and we will call on your name.” – Jim Cymbala

Be active in sharing this event with others, including sharing live photos and quotes, and sharing the live Facebook video feed with your friends.

Please use the hashtag in all sharing: #sermonindex2018

Thursday, Oct 4

12 noon registration opens
2-4pm worship / concert of prayer
4-5pm (1) David Guzik
5-6:45pm dinner break
6:45pm (2) Shane Idleman

Friday, Oct 5

8-9am pre-prayer
9am worship
9:20-10:20am (3) Malachi O’Brien
10:40-11:40am (4) Al Whittinghill
11:40-1:40pm Lunch break
1:40pm worship / prayer
2:40-3:40pm (5) Sandeep Poonen
4-5pm (6) John Avant
5-6:45pm dinner break
6:45pm (7) Brian Long

Saturday, Oct 6

8-9am pre-prayer
9am worship
9:20-10:20am (8) Edgar Reich
10:40-11:40am (9) Keith Daniel
11:40-1:40pm Lunch break
1:40pm worship / prayer
2:40-3:40pm (10) Douglas Detert
4-5pm (11) Dan Biser
5-6:45pm dinner break
6:45 (12) Glenn Sheppard

Register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/sermonindexnet-live-simulcast-event-oct-4-6-2018-tickets-1465215499

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