
Our New America – Choose Hope Not Fear

-Shane Idleman

This is a foreboding time for us all. Last week I was walking near our city’s boulevard in the evening when a car drove by and yelled F___ Trump!! It was a dangerous atmosphere for me and my wife. We had been stereotyped. We are all affected by this turbulent time in our nation’s history.

The Bible reveals that the devil is the prince of this world (Ephesians 2:2); therefore, we must pay close attention to what we watch and listen to—the influence controlling the majority of the media is ultimately controlling you. Romans 8:6 states, “If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.”

This is why we are witnessing civil unrest – a clash of powers – but not Democrat and Republican. The godly principles of the Constitution and the sanctity of life have all but been forgotten – the civil unrest is a clash of worldviews. A lack of facts and a lot of lies is sparking unrest. Here are a few false accusations designed to create chaos.

HALF OF AMERICANS ARE RACIST – Of all the people I know who voted for Trump, not one is a racist. I’m clearly aware that some radical groups endorsed him, but the vast majority of people desire unity. True Christians do not see race or color…we seek unity at every turn. Many of us want to appoint African Americans such as Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke to some of the highest offices in the land.

THIS VOTE IS BAD FOR AMERICA. PEOPLE WILL BE DENIED THEIR DUE – What due? We have created a sense of entitlement, not thankfulness. Hard-working people have been taken advantage of. The Bible says that if we don’t work, we don’t eat (cf. 2 Thessalonians ). The price of freedom is never free. Granted, there are families that desperately need help – many churches are reaching out on a weekly basis to those in need, and we should do more – but giving handouts to everyone who fills out a form is bad for America and it’s not biblical. If I open my home to everyone in my city to take food, I would not be able to provide for my own family – anyone who does not provide for their own household, has denied the faith and are worse than unbelievers (cf. 1 Timothy 5:8). Plus, how many people take advantage of the system?

MOST MALE VOTERS ARE SEXIST – Many recognize that the language Donald Trump used in the past is not acceptable. He has apologized. He is working on humility. He hired the first woman to run a presidential campaign. He has surrounded himself with a plethora of godly men and women. The most frightening fact is that half of Americans agree with Hillary’s stance on murdering children in the womb. God help us when we are called sexist and discriminatory for guarding the unborn.

MOST AMERICANS ARE WARMONGERS – The institution of government was created by God to govern man—to protect, defend, and administer justice. Christians are not “warmongers”; rather we recognize that there may come a time when war is necessary to restrain evil, and to protect the innocent. Often, America has been the protector rather than the bully. We don’t live in an ideal world, or in a world based on conjecture and theory; we live in a very evil and wicked world. Whether it was Hillary or Trump, turbulent times are coming. We want a leader who will seek the counsel of wise Christian men and women – “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12).

MOST AMERICANS HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR REFUGEES – The voters I know, love refugees and immigrants, and have actually helped with food and lodging, as well as jobs. But, as a nation, our safety and provision must come first, then we can better serve those in need. When an airplane loses cabin pressure, parents put on their oxygen masks first to better assist the child – this isn’t selfishness, it’s wisdom. Opening the borders parallels cabin pressure falling and a limited supply of masks. Our law enforcement officers could not sustain the load, nor could our nation. Lets streamline the process, welcome God-fearing immigrants, and have them contribute to society so everyone benefits.

TRUMP VOTERS ARE AGAINST THE LGBT COMMUNITY – The supporters I know have nothing but compassion for those trapped in sexual sin. Those who strongly believe in the Bible and God’s will regarding sexual behavior also strongly believe in unconditional love and forgiveness. To say that Christians hate or fear those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of the Christian faith. To “confront in love” simply comes from a desire to honor God and to truly love and care for others. But we also must speak the truth in love…the Bible is crystal clear on sexual sin, including homosexuality. “Being a friend of sinners” doesn’t mean that we approve of their lifestyle. Many Americans, including Trump, are not against those with same-sex tendencies, but we cannot accept their agenda – from indoctrinating young child to redefining marriage – these dangerous views have undermined the health of society – that must be challenged.

THE SOLUTION FOR ALL VOTERS – Choose hope not fear. Those who do not forgive or release bitterness, anger, and hurt, never experience freedom, happiness, or genuine restoration. It all starts here. Ephesians 4:31-32 encourages us to “let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” John 10:10 is clear that Jesus came to give us life, freedom, and a relationship with God. He gave His life to reconcile man to God, which ultimately reconciles man to man. He is our only hope…the only source of true peace. Are you experiencing this peace? If not, that can change. You must trust in Him as Lord and Savior…repent and turn to Him: “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

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