For the past few months, while we have been concerned for religious liberty, we have nevertheless followed the guidance of our government for the safety of others and canceled all church services in order to practice social distancing
during the COVID-19 breakout.

Now, as our president is urging cautious return to business, our state’s “safer at home” end date of mid-May is approaching, and Lancaster is moving to a “Phase 2” opening for city affairs, we feel a stirring from God to prepare adequately and safely for the slow and safe return to worship. We have sought legal and medical counsel, as well as consultation with our elected officials, in making this plan. Mostly, we are sensitive to the leading of the Lord in the process.

Please recognize that this is a work in progress with many variables. Churches in states with less sickness may return to worship earlier, and smaller churches may mobilize more quickly. We all need to study and prepare for the issue in context of our circumstances.

It is imperative that WCF return with proper patience, understanding, and biblical conviction. Church members and workers are urged to read this document in order to participate in upcoming services. We all desire safety as instructed by government leaders (Romans 13), and we desire to obey the command of Scripture to assemble and worship (Hebrews 10:25). We believe church is essential! Let’s work together to make this happen for the glory of God and with a right testimony to those who have not yet trusted Christ as Savior.

View the full plan and policies here.

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