I don’t know about you, but I have hard weeks sometimes, and after that high of the revival service, I had a week from hell, to be honest with you. I was working on a sermon—this one—that wasn’t coming together, I had worship on in the background, and I heard those lyrics: “When all hope is gone, and Your Word is all I’ve got.” Do you realize how powerful that is? “I have to believe You still bring water from the rock to satisfy my thirst, to love me at my worst, and even when I don’t remember, you remind me of my worth. . . . This is the cup you have for me, and even when it don’t make sense, I’m gonna let Your Spirit lead.”

And God just broke me again and again this week. I hit rewind on that [song] fifty times. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I’ll admit this to you. I was up on the aqueduct jogging, and I said, “God, don’t embarrass me Sunday.” He said, “You mean embarrass your pride? Shane, you can’t have Me and you.” What I meant by that is when revival hurts, it’s hard to preach. The weight of God’s presence—you feel like one minute you’re going to burst into tears, the next minute you’re full of boldness. And I think there are many here today that maybe that’s for you: “Don’t embarrass me. I don’t want to get too carried away.” That’s why many people are bored during worship. It breaks my heart because we’re embarrassed or we don’t have that relationship.

It was as if God was telling me, “Shane, you can do church like many people and churches out there, but you will never know the manifest power and presence of My Spirit unless you fully surrender.” I explained this (I don’t know if you were here), but I explained it when I spoke at the conference, that I would consider myself for many years a closet revivalist. What I mean is, I would go to conservative churches and had conservative friends—we don’t get carried away, we don’t get emotional—and then I’d run back home and read books on revival, read books on God awakening His people, and I’d just begin to be broken before God. But you try to please man, right?

I’m not talking about just carried-away emotions, but there should be some emotion. How can we have a dead church service when the living God is here? And people would kind of wonder, “What do you mean by Spirit? Isn’t God everywhere?” He is, but throughout the Old Testament you’d see that God is everywhere, but there were times when His manifest presence would hit that temple, and people could not stand because of the sheer magnitude of His holiness. Throughout the New Testament you see people being overwhelmed by the power and the presence of God. And it’s been a struggle for those who are conservative and don’t get emotional, but you see that God is emotional sometimes. Jesus wept. We see the prophets weeping for their people. It’s as if God was saying, “My power will only flow through complete brokenness, then more prayers will be answered.”

I was just reading last night a book on 24-7 prayer and sex trafficking in Amsterdam and twelve-year-old girls. They’ll take them, and they’ll get rid of their passports, and they’re stuck there. That just brought me to tears. Then this morning at five-thirty in the morning, I see this guy going through trash cans on my way here. It’s like, by the sheer grace of God that’s not me. Come on, let’s not play church. We start acting like the Pharisee: “I would never.” Oh, be careful. You have to feel the pain that sin causes to be really effective in prayer. You have to humble yourself.

So the message this morning is about trusting God. The title is “Don’t Swerve—Trust God.” We all know what a swerve is, correct? An abrupt change or direction. That is probably one of the biggest tricks of the enemy, because when you’re on that road, and you’re doing God’s will, what does he want you to do? Swerve. Get off. Get off this road that God’s called you to, and he begins to bring in discouragement and distractions. How do we trust God? Well, I will tell you this: not trusting God affects more than we realize. When we don’t trust God, we are pushed into things. We make impulsive decisions and we make bad decisions when there’s no trust. Because when I’m not trusting, then I’m running on fear-factor mode. So I’m going to just push and push, and God says, “No, stay still and trust Me.” And when we doubt and when we fear, it robs us of spiritual life. When we begin to doubt God and not trust Him, it robs us of spiritual life. It robs us of the promises of God, the power of God. I believe that God has promises for us and wants us to do certain things, but fear and doubt will come in and rob us of what God wants to give us.

How many of you know who Shammua, Shaphat, Igal, Palti, Gaddiel, Gaddi, Ammiel, Sethur, Nahbi, and Geuel are? Don’t raise your hand if you do, but does anybody recognize those names? That’s unbelievable, because this is one of the most important stories in all the Old Testament. Those are the ten spies who said, “We can’t go in.” Everybody knows Joshua and Caleb. We’ve never heard of these guys. We just gloss right over it. God said, “Go in and possess the land.” They said, “Oh, we can’t.” So don’t tell me that fear and doubt doesn’t change things, doesn’t allow us to walk in the power and promises of God.

We been in a series in Proverbs, and we’re in Proverbs 3. If you have your Bibles, you can turn to Proverbs 3. The writer says, “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace will be added to you” (vv. 1–2). Let me read that again in case you didn’t get that. “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace will be added to you.” The joy of the Lord, the strength of the Lord, are all contingent upon obeying God. You’ve heard that phrase before in real estate, haven’t you? My offer is contingent upon appraisal, the appraised value. My offer is contingent upon these inspections. Well, often we forget that God’s word has contingency clauses. “If you do this…” “If you do not forsake my law…” “If you let your heart keep my commandments, I will not forsake you, I will not leave you.”

But it’s a very interesting thing I thought of this week. He said, “My son.” “My son,” and this is a good time to ask you—are you truly His son? Are you truly His son? Even the kids here this morning, are you truly God’s son or daughter? Have you repented? Have you believed in the gospel? Are you truly His son? It’s interesting, we talk about carrying our cross. We’ve heard that. We don’t like to talk too much about it. If I had to preach a sermon on it, we’d leave here very convicted, because it means dying to self. In the New Testament, in Rome, when they saw a man carrying his cross, they knew he was not returning. They would him watch through the streets of Jerusalem carrying that cross, just like Jesus, and they knew that man was not coming back. And it’s that picture of the fully surrendered life, of not going back. I’m not coming back. I’m not going back to who I used to be.

And then verse 3. “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck.” God’s Word is saying, “Hold tight.” Let—again, contingent upon—let not mercy and truth forsake you. See, we pride yourself on truth in the church, but you’d better pride yourself on mercy and forgiveness. You can’t have one without the other. “Bind them [put them] around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man” (vv. 3–4).

Mercy is basically compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone versus punishing them, and we see the mercy that God has given us. So if you want to fully trust in God, mercy has to be a part of your life. If you’re a sin-sniffer, repent this morning. If you’re going around pointing fingers and trying to find faults, repent this morning, because that might be an area of your life where God is wanting to work, wanting to break you, wanting to humble you.

And then truth, of course, we know what truth is—the desperate need for truth, the desperate need to know God. I talked last week that “without a vision, the people perish.” Actually a better rendering would be “without a revelation of God.” Without a revelation of God, of who God is, the truth of God, without that, the people are unrestrained. That’s what you’re seeing in America. You see the Civil War brewing. You see this as getting terrible. It’s getting increasingly alarming. Senators being harassed, protesters. They are unrestrained. Why? Because they don’t know God. For without a revelation of God, for without the revealing of His truth, the people are unrestrained.

So your minds, people, go back to truth. Go back to mercy. Marry them. Because a lot of people are wonderful in truth, but they lack the mercy. Or they have the mercy—“just forgive, brother, forgive”—no, you have to go back to truth too. Jesus didn’t tell the woman caught in the act of adultery, “Don’t worry about it.” He said, “I forgive you, but don’t continue sinning. Don’t continue sinning.” I’m just tired of people twisting the true nature of Christ. He loved, He forgave, but boy oh boy, did He preach righteousness. He would call out entire cities. Bethsaida, Chorazin, you should have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. Sodom and Gomorrah are going to judge you. He sent the disciples out, “Go out and preach love.” No? “Go out and preach repentance.” Because the love of Christ compels me to preach repentance. You have to have both truth and love.

So a good reminder, don’t swerve, trust God. And here’s where that comes from, verse 5. We all know the verse, many of us who have been in church any length of time. “Trust in the Lord.” With what? With some of your heart? Whoops. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart.” Now at this point many people say, “Well, I can’t do that. I’m not perfect.” Well, I’m with you. I’m with you. I can’t, but I can say, “God, I can’t do this, but I give you everything. You do it for me. I’m broken in my sin. I can’t follow You perfectly. I admit it. I come before You broken and humble. Lord, I’m giving You all of my heart.” And He goes, “I see that broken vessel. I see it.” We have this treasure in broken vessels, in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. So everybody looks at God—look at what God is doing. God forbid that we start to gloat and exalt ourselves, because God’s Word says, “No flesh will glory in My presence.” No flesh. “Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Let Me exalt you. Let Me promote you.” It comes from a humble, broken heart that’s given God everything.

And then “lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways.” We can’t get away from that word all. “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil.” Let’s talk about this for just a minute. Trust. We say, “Trust in the Lord.” Here’s what’s interesting about Scripture. We’ve heard so much it’s just in one ear and out the other, right? I dare you to put on worship for an hour and just meditate on “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes.” Just meditate. Just worship. That Scripture that’s in one ear and out the other will begin to resonate with your heart. It will begin to break you. You will begin to weep for the lost. We have to go back to meditating on the Word of God, not being in a hurry, not being quick to get through things. And I’m at fault in this.  “Oh, I got through the chapters of my Bible.” Right? “I got through my Bible reading today.”

It’s been interesting. All week—and I might not want to admit this because the Pharisees out there won’t like what I’m about to say. I don’t mean you here; I mean those listening later. But every time I tried to read the Bible this week—and it’s a good thing; I do it, and I encourage it—but it was like God was saying, “Put it down and worship. Put it down and worship.” And I know because if I started reading, I was like, what’s missing here? My heart is yearning for worship. And every time I did that God would just speak in a powerful way.

But trust is a firm belief—listen to this—to trust God, it’s a firm belief in the reliability, the truth, the ability, and the strength of God. All four. The reliability—God will never leave nor forsake you. The truth—He is the way, the truth, the life; no man comes to the Father except through Christ. God’s ability—He can do exceedingly and abundantly over all that you ever thought or imagined. And the strength of God—oh, the strength of God; the strength of kings would fear a Syrian army, but God could wipe them out with one angel. Egyptian armies coming, He would just part the sea. He would send hailstones. He would send swarms of bees. This is the God we serve. Who will stand against the Lord God Almighty?

And then it says, “Lean not,” which means don’t lean on your human intellect, the way the world thinks. Because that’s what we do. Trust in God with all your heart; do not lean. Lean against for support, right? Don’t lean against human reasoning. Listen, the church has got to get this more than ever before. It’s either Hollywood or the Holy Spirit. Where are you leaning? Who’s trusting? Who’s influencing you? The worlds’ minds?  That’s why so many people are fearful and not trusting God and not wondering what God’s will is. And they’re running around like a chicken with their head cut off—in the church. God says, “Stop all that. Just turn it off and come back to Me, church. Come back to holiness and righteousness and purity. Let the love of Christ penetrate your heart. Get into the Word. Live in the Word until that Word begins to bubble out. Then You will trust in Me with all your heart.”

“Lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways.” This is where we run into trouble. I thought of this. What if, on our wedding day, I said, “Hey, in most of my ways I’m going to acknowledge my vows.”

“Well, what do you mean?”

“In most, in most.”


Because that’s really an excuse to indulge and not follow God. “I’ll trust You most of the time.” You might as well just say, “I’m not trusting You.”

I know it’s a heavy message this morning, but I make no apologies, because sometimes the choir needs preaching to. Do you know that repentance needs to take place in the choir too? I mean I love that Scripture, “Judgment is going to start in Washington DC.” No? It doesn’t say that?  “Judgment is going start in San Francisco. In Hollywood.” Thank God—“Judgment is going to start in my house,” thus saith the Lord.

“He shall direct [you]” (v. 6). You can take this promise to the bank. That’s why I love those lyrics: “When all hope is gone, when all hope is lost, I still have your Word.” “He shall direct.” It basically means to smooth out, to open doors, to make the impossible possible. We all catch ourselves, I catch myself, saying, “That’s impossible. That’s impossible.” We were talking about how we purchased the radio stations. That first week or two, I’m like, “That’s impossible. That’s never going to happen.” Or when we’re hurting financially: “It’s impossible.” You’d be amazed at what God does with brokenness and humility and those who wait on God.

Just a little secret; this is part of the sermon here. It’s not a secret, actually I’ve said it before, but it goes good here. I haven’t perfected this at all, so don’t call me on this later, but I am learning to just kind of sit back and let God open the doors: “You show me.” You don’t think He’s going, “Darn, I wish Shane would force that door open. Now I don’t know what I’m going to do”? You’ll get the phone call. You’ll get the circumstance. You’ll get the situation. I was telling Chris yesterday that just out of the blue when Fox News emailed me, I thought it was a joke. And they said, “Do you ever come to New York?” I emailed back and said, “No, I don’t think so.” I thought that was it. And then Lauren said, “Can I call you?” I thought, “Oh, this might be [cool].” Like, how is that going to happen? And I can go through story after story, when you just wait on God. Just wait.

Now it’s hard to steer something that’s not moving. Go try to steer your car if it’s not on. So you have to be moving. Here’s what I think. God steers the best when we’re moving in the area, serving. “Lord, how can I just be here and serve You? Where can I serve today?” We have these dreams of “oh, next year, if God can just open…” [He says,] “No, right now, today. Where do I want you serving? Where do I want you being built up? Who do I want you encouraging?” And then as we’re serving in these areas, God begins to open other doors based on our movement in a certain direction.

Maybe it’s me, I’m a Type A personality, but I like to force the doors open. And I’m learning, just like it says here, “He shall direct.” But it’s interesting. All of this is conditional. Did you catch this? If you trust. If you obey. If you acknowledge God. Now here’s where we make another mistake. We think, “Oh, I acknowledge God, of course.” But that word means “to accept and admit the existence and truth of God.” So that will change the way you live. If you’re gracious and humble and you cling to the truth.

We love the Scripture “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” Well, here’s what’s involved: I’m going to trust You, and I’m going to obey You. Uh oh. There’s a word we don’t hear too much. See, anytime somebody in the church doesn’t like what you’re saying, they call it legalism, and that’s how they get out of it. Trust and obey. There’s an old hymn by those words, isn’t there? Trust and obey. If you acknowledge Him. And acknowledge means “Lord, I want you in this decision. I’m thinking of doing this. Lord, would You show me? I want You involved in my decision.” “Then I will direct you,” God says.

Now it doesn’t end there though. It says, “Fear the Lord and depart from evil.” Depart from evil. Now why aren’t many people departing from evil? I mean, we like 2 Chronicles, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face…”—praise God! No, keep reading. “And depart from evil.” See, we forget the sins of the heart: pride and jealousy and envy and bitterness and these things that God wants to deal with. I believe the reason a lot of people, especially in America, why they are not departing, it’s because they’re not in the Word. We’re just not in the Word, being convicted.

And the most popular preachers today are tiptoeing around difficult things: “This is going to cost me some members, so I’m going to just kind of teeter around that topic.” But it’s funny, throughout the New Testament, especially when I read about pastors, God says, “You be watchman. You do what I’ve called you to do. What I put in your mouth, you speak it. You speak it.” God doesn’t take opinion polls: “Well, don’t do that if you’re going to lose people.” No, He says, “You just speak what I put in your mouth.” That’s actually a sign of a true spokesman of God, to speak the whole counsel of God. A false prophet would say what? “Peace, peace,” when there’s no peace. A false prophet would say, “Hey, God is love. He just loves everyone.” Half-truth. Which is true? “Don’t worry about anything. Just continue down the path you’re going. God winks at sin. He’s a doting grandfather”—false prophet, false proclaimer of the truth of God’s Word, because that’s not true. God loves all, but He says, “Repent.” Repent of what? Of sin. I think that’s kind of the point of this. The point of Calvary and Golgotha and Christ on the cross and being that sacrificial Lamb, that propitiation, absorbing the wrath of God. We’re not [willing] to talk about what put Christ on the cross.

So He says, “Fear the Lord and depart from evil.” A. W. Tozer said something many years ago, and it’s so true today. He said, “There has come into modern times a new cross. It’s like the old cross but different. The likenesses are superficial, but the difference is fundamental. The old cross slew men. The new cross entertains them. The old cross condemned; the new cross amuses. The old cross destroyed confidence in the flesh; the new cross encourages it. The old cross brought tears and blood; the new cross brings laughter.” We have to go back to the old truths, the old path of the Word of God. Yes, we have to be relevant. We have to change certain things, but not the truth. That’s why our motto is “Times change. Truth does not.”

I want to encourage you to listen to Wednesday’s message—I titled it “How to Encourage Yourself in the Lord”—because with mountaintop experiences you will have valleys as well. There are probably CDs available. “How to Encourage Yourself in the Lord.” I want to remind you that resistance—are you feeling any resistance this week? Is family coming against you or your job or finances? Does it ever feel like just the weight of life is resisting? That can never harm you if you fully trust in God. Do you know the only thing that gets a jet off the runway is resistance? That resistance becomes greater, and it begins to hit the wings and pulls it up, and that’s what keeps the airplane flying. God will do the same thing in your life with resistance.

I truly believe that resistance, spiritual resistance, is just like physical resistance. The only way you build muscle is for resistance. You break down that muscle fiber. You break it down, you break it down, then the body begins to build it back up to be ready for the next time. Spiritually speaking, to that resistance, whatever is coming against you. Because, see, here is what we forget. People quote this, but they don’t quite understand it, I don’t think. They say, “Brother, no weapon formed against me shall prosper,” as if that means no resistance. No, know what it says. No weapon formed. It means the weapon has been formed. The weapon is coming at you. The weapon is trying to take you out. It’s been formed. But no weapon formed against me shall prosper. It shall not take me out. It’s still coming. It’s formed. It’s there. The enemy has a scoped .30-06 aimed at your heart and your soul and your children. It’s formed. It’s there. It’s ready to come and conquer. But the Word of God says it will not prosper, meaning “it will not prevail if you trust in Me, if you look to Me.” Where does my help come from? My help comes from God.

You have to go to the source of nourishment to encourage yourself in the Lord. David said, “I will encourage myself in the Lord.” I don’t have time [to go into this], but I think he went through a lot more than most of us. Unless your wife and children have been taken from you, and everything you have has been taken. The men want to stone David, and he said, “I will strengthen myself in the Lord.” Listen, don’t rely on the pastor. Don’t rely on your friend. Don’t rely on your spouse. Sometimes you have to get on your face before God and strengthen yourself in the Lord. What did David do? He ran to the source of nourishment—God and God alone. If I’m hungry, what am I running to? The source of nourishment. If I’m thirsting, what am I running to? The source that’s going to quench that thirst. That’s why Jesus said, “If you drink of Me you will never thirst again, because I have rivers of living water. Come and drink freely.” There’s that thirst. He who hungers and thirsts for righteousness shall be filled, going back and turning to God. The problem is most are not drinking at the fountain of life, they are drinking polluted water. Most are not feeding on the Word, they’re dwelling on the cares of this life. If that doesn’t convince you I don’t know what will. I can stand up here for the next fifty minutes and pull apart Scripture.

But don’t swerve. Trust in God. Where it all begins, and where it all ends, is you need to remind yourself who God is. Remind yourself who God is. Let me tell you what has helped me tremendously in times of difficulty—these Scriptures: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe”  (Prov. 18:10). Any time in the Old Testament you would see they would run, “There’s a tower,” “There’s a wall,” “There’s something, there is something of strength there. I can just run into this tower, and now I’m safe.” You can picture it now. Picture you’re on the battlefield in the Middle East, and you’re by yourself, and here come the terrorists. What am I going to do? But then you picture, here comes the United States Air Force flying over, here come the Marines. Oh goodness. What are you going to do? You back up and say, “Take it, here you go.” That’s the same way you have to look at God. He who trusts in God, he runs into a strong tower and is saved. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Is. 41:10). “I am your refuge. I am your strength. I am your ever-present help in time of trouble” (Ps. 46:1, paraphrased).

So here’s our dilemma. Either all that is true, or it’s not. And we know it’s true. You have to strengthen yourself, remind yourself who God is. You take those thoughts captive. Though the armies of hell encamp around me, I will look to the hills. That Scripture, “I will look to the hills—where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:1–2). And again, Old Testament imagery there. You’re down in a valley, and you’re going to be overtaken, but you look and here come the armies of heaven. I love that passage when one of the prophets said, “Lord, would You open the eyes of my servant?” And his eyes were opened, spiritually speaking. He saw the armies of the Lord encamped all around them on the hills. Do you know that angels have never been defeated? On the right side, of course. If an angel is never defeated, how much more God?

I think it was Leonard Ravenhill who said, “You have the Father, you have the Son, you have the Holy Spirit, and the majority of the angels on your side. Who are you going to fear?” Let that sink in. As believers you have the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the majority of the angels on your side. What are you going to fear? Fear not, believer. Fear is paralyzing, is it not? It causes us not to do anything for God. That’s why God told Joshua, “Fear not. I am with you.” “Moses, fear not. I am with you. Fear not. Put your trust in Me.”

So I just want to encourage you this morning. I don’t know where you’re at, but don’t swerve off course. You might be close, you might already be off course, but God says, “Just get back on the road. Just get back on the right path.” I kneel before the One I love. We going to sing a song about that in just a minute. There’s a song, most of you know it. It says, “I will kneel before the One I love. God, find me grateful, find me thankful, find me on my knees.” I’m going to add to that. Lord, find me trusting You. Lord, find me grateful. Find me thankful. Find me on my knees, Lord. Find me trusting You. I want to trust You with all of my heart. Now unless you think I’ve mastered this, I haven’t. That’s why I say, “God, I need help.” It’s healthy to say that—but hard. God, I need help. Because many of us come to church like we’ve got it all together. Let’s be honest. There are struggles in this room. If it all came to life up on the PowerPoint, God help us. God, help us. Listen, you have to come as a broken, undone sinner whose only hope is a justifying Savior. That’s the only hope. God says, “When I find you broken, when I find you abased, when I find you empty, then My power and presence will flow in.”

Even with the worship team up here, I tell them, I tell worship leaders, I tell pastors: you might have ability, but do you have anointing? You might have ability, but do you have anointing? When Leonard Ravenhill would talk to young pastors, he would say, “Young men, get unction or get out of the pulpit.” Because ability will only take you as far as your character will allow you to go. You need the anointing of God on your life. That’s when you can hear a pin drop. That’s when people begin to weep before you even start preaching. That’s when the presence and power of God is so heavy. That anointing rests on a person who is broken and humble and says, “God, I want all of You to flow into me.” Because what is anointing? It’s just the presence of God on your life.

I’m going to leave with this quote that D. L. Moody said, and this applies to some of you. (I was praying about saying that or not this weekend, and I just did). So this is for some of you. D. L. Moody said, “They’re good men, they’re godly men, but why can’t they see that the only thing they themselves are missing is the baptism of the Spirit?” Now if you don’t like that word, let me change it. Why can’t they see the only thing missing in their lives is the filling, the unction, the overflowing presence and power of God in their lives? That was his complaint against Bible teachers of his day. They’re great men, they’re good men. They have the truth. But the one thing they lack is the mighty, overpowering work of the Spirit in their life. And I believe the reason for many is a five-letter word: pride. Pride. [Babies crying] Well, at least the babies cry. That’s good. The only thing that will fix that, by the way, is tears, genuine tears.

Do worship leaders honestly think they’re going to lead without anointing you? Do I honestly dare to step into this pulpit on ability alone? Do you dare to parent? Do you want to really know if God is resting on your life? How many did you talk to about Jesus this week? The stats aren’t high in the church, folks. It should be a bubbling over. I go into the mall, and there’s this girl who had lost her voice. I ask, “Can I pray with you?” “No, I’m okay.”  At the gas station and other places. Oh, Shane, that’s just great. No, it’s not Shane. The old Shane Idleman would be heading to the liquor store, but the Shane filled with the Spirit of God, the anointing God, where God wrecks your life. Oh, that reckless love: “I’ll leave the ninety-nine, and I’ll go chase the one who is broken and humble before Me.”

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