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Complete Sermon Notes

Matthew 19:20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Perfect means complete – IF YOU WANT TO LACK NOTHING

Following Him has a cost

23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

It was, and is, commonly thought that wealth is a sign of God’s blessing.

Riches content for our time and attention.

Matt. 19: “Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But he went away sorrowful.

Salvation – With God All Things Are Possible

There is no one beyond His reach. This should drive parents, family members, and spouse to OUR knees. ‘

A quiet example accomplishes far more than a loud Bible quoter.

 During worship, lets pray for those who need to know God.

HOPE – getting through life – “Follow Me” is the only way

27 Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” 28 So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

“Left All” to follow means that someone else is leading.

DEFINITION: to go away from, to withdraw from, to retire from, to disappear from, to vacate; to say one’s farewells and goodbyes.

Hope is found in disconnecting

You have to go away from, withdraw from, and disappear from those activities things that pull you away from GOD…you must say your farewells and goodbyes to the world to truly follow JESUS.
“Left all” – believers MUST disconnect from the world’s mindset

It’s amazing how many people received healing and direction throughout the New Testament AFTER they followed Jesus – not before.

“Left all” – unbelievers need to disconnect from sin & bondage

Will God Really Say, “Depart From Me, I Don’t Know You”?

I remember it as if it were yesterday – it was the summer of 2000…For years I was driven, but for the wrong reasons. Although I felt a sense of purpose, it often left me feeling empty. I was passionate, but for the wrong things. I focused on everything society has to offer, but ultimately I found that it offered little of lasting value. While I had focused on money, status, and recognition, I had starved other important areas of my life, including my relationship with God. Due to my misguided focus, my life took many turns for the worse.

Desperate for direction and fulfillment, I began to search the pages of a Bible shelved long ago. As I read, two Scriptures seemed to leap from the pages: “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” (Luke 9:25), and “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7).

This was when I “Left all”

It was also sobering when I finally read, for the first time with open eyes, Matthew 7 where Jesus said that many people will say that they know Him, but His response will be, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

How can Jesus say, “I never knew you”?

The Surrendered Life – “to cease resistance”

. . . Grace didn’t save Noah, obedience did.

Clay must yield to the potter – bend to HIS will – flexible, tender, compassionate, peaceful, filled with joy.

THE IMPORTANCE OF SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: The Word: teaches me  –  Prayer: shows me  –  Worship: humbles me –  Fasting: stops the flesh from dominating.


“Rivers of living water…”

“Cast your cares upon Me…”

“Come to Me all those who are weak and …”

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  ISAIAH 9:6

Frances Jane Crosby BORN: March 24, 1820, said, “If I had a choice, I would still choose to remain blind…for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Saviour.”  Blind for nearly all of her life, Fanny Crosby, is known as one of the greatest hymn writer in the history of the Christian Church. Though blind, she witnessed over 8,000 of her poems set to music.

“Blessèd assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.”

Judson Van DeVenter (1855-1939) studied and taught music. He mastered 13 different instruments, sang and composed music. He was very involved in the music ministry of his Methodist Episcopal church and eventually found himself torn between his successful teaching career and his desire to be a part of an evangelistic team. This struggle within himself lasted for almost five years.

In 1896, Van DeVenter was conducting the music of a church event. It was during these meetings that he finally surrendered his desires completely to God…As he submitted completely to the will of his Lord, a song was born in his heart. I Surrender All was put to music by Winfield Weeden, who published this and many other hymns in several volumes. Weeden so loved this song that the words I Surrender All were put on his tombstone.

In both cases, God’s full anointing and favor did not rest on their lives until they surrendered all –

We can sing, “i surrender all” & still not surrender all​

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